Smart Fields - Powerful Custom Fields

Last Update
26 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Why do you need Smart Fields? Here are a few questions for you:

Have you ever needed to create a Theme Options page for a project? Have you ever needed a framework for custom post/page fields? Have you ever created custom widgets? Have you ever needed to add term/user meta fields?

Most probably you’ve answered a couple of the questions above positively. And most probably you’ve found a separate solution for each of your needs or created something that actually does the job. Still, there are a few more questions:

Have you seen a plugin that combines the solutions for all fo the questions above? Have you seen a plugin which has more than 20 types of fields? Have you needed a plugin for custom fields, which supports multilingual fields? Have you wanted to have a way to combine multiple fields to create the interface for a slider instead of creating a custom post type?

Of course, Smart Fields provides you all of the functionality mentioned above. This is a plugin that fulfils all of the most common needs of a WordPress developer.

Shortly said, Smart Fields works with containers, which include (theme) options pages, post meta boxes, term meta fields, user meta fields and widgets. In each of those containers you can add fields, choosing among more than 20 field types. Also, you could combine different fields into repeatable groups, so you could add, let’s say slides, through a single “field”.

This plugin is great for adding fields in the administration area, but it’s up to you to display their values in your theme/plugin! This means that you need basic WordPress knowledge to be able to retrieve the right data, output it and style it according to your wishes.


More than 20 field types Repeater Field Theme Options container Post Meta container User Meta container Term Meta container & custom API Widget – A base for you widget which can have all of the fields above in their forms Support for multilinual fields Field to Field Dependencies

Fields A list of all available fields:

Separator Text Number Select Set of Checkboxes Tags Textarea Select Page Radio Checkbox Image Select Map Header Scripts Footer Scripts Image Select Term Color Select Sidebar (with the ability to add custom sidebars through that field) Date Time Richtext Google Font Repeater

Repeaters The Repeater is one of the most powerful tools of Smart Fields. It allows you to create repeatable groups of fields, like slides in a single field.

You can also have multiple field groups, which have different fields inside of them. This means that:

If you are creating a slider, you can have an Image Slide, Video Slide, Text Slide, etc., each of them having it’s unique fields. If you are creating a page layout field, you could have a Testimonials section, a content section and much more. This way each page can have it’s unique layout.

Multilinual Functionality The plugin automatically integrates with qTranslate, which is a free WordPress plugin which lets you have your site in multiple languages.

When both plugins are activated, Smart Fields displays an input for each enabled language. This way, the user can enter a value for each language without you having to add additional fields or change your code.

Demo & Docs To feel the full power of this plugin, I’d recommend you to either go to the Live Preview and create a container, or view the documentation of the plugin to see all of the methods that are available to you and how easy to use they are.

Changelog Version 1.2:

Added sf() and get_sf() functions which are used for easier value retrival. Added a shortcode which works with the above functions. Also, there is a popup that lets you easily choose the type and key of the needed field. Fixed compatability issues with PHP 5.2. Changed file structure, now most things go into the classes folder. Added the ability to use the plugin as a Must-Use. Added the “Tags” fields.