Duplicate Finder SEO Tool (CSV To MySQL)

Last Update
13 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

DupeFinder SEO Tool was developed to help and speed up SEO. SEO professionals all over the globe scrape search results and information from numerous sources like search engines and social media. It is very much unlikely that this “crud” data will not have duplicates. In-fact most of the times there is just too much duplicate data to deal with. Then again, most of the scrape data are maintained and managed in spreadsheets. Its not very easy to organize them quickly and easily either.

So I’m presenting you DupeFinder SEO Tool that will not only help you automate the process of removing duplicates from your CSV (spreadsheet) file but also offer you awesome features to organize your data and even TEAMWORK with them! Feel confident as a Lead SEO professional and distribute entries to your team members.

However, this tool can be used for many more purposes and the software is very much configurable to suit your needs/style. Check the Configuration Settings and Additional configuration settings to customize your way.

The major features at a glance:

Duplicate Removal Features Upload and Import CSV files having UPTO 20 Columns.

Merge Multiple CSV files into one by importing all of them together.

Remove Duplicates Automatically or Decide Manually which one to remove!

Save a copy of your Cleaned Up CSV File whenever you like!

SEO Features

Save Cleaned Up CSV data into the database.

View/Edit/Delete Or even add comment on each entry from a clean interface.

Upload and set Images for each entries individually!

Search/Sort your data

Pop Up detail view for each entry.

TeamWork SEO Features

Comes up with one Admin Account and 3 General User Accounts

Admin can assign certain entries for each user so that they can further work with them.

Completely secured privilege system for Admin and Users. (Users cannot access admin areas)

Live Preview Info: You can login as

Username : Admin | Pass : 123456 Username : user_1 | Pass : 123456 Username : user_2 | Pass : 123456 Username : user_3 | Pass : 123456