Photo Contest Facebook App script

Last Update
22 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Photo Contest Facebook App is a very sophisticated application for organising photography contests or contests with graphic works. I originally created the application for my own needs. As a photographer with considerable experience in organising contests, I knew exactly how such a contest should work and what tools the administrator needs to prevent vote frauds. In this respect, contests are brought to perfection. Only one vote can be made for a single photo and voting after the end of the competition is impossible. Voting does not take place via the Like button as is often the case elsewhere. An application with this feature risks removal by Facebook’s developers. I organised several contests before offering the contest here at and things went perfectly well.

Included language packs

English Italian German Spanish Russian Czech Slovak Serbian Bosnian Croatian Dutch


Admin Demo


The application complies with all Facebook terms and conditions. It is possible to determine how many photos may be inserted by one user. Full editing is possible via the Admin Control Panel You can send email to all users or export their data to CSV file. You can post to Facebook wall to all users who joined your app. It is not necessary to be logged on to Facebook in order to access the Admin Control Panel Visitor behaviour can be tracked using Google Analytics. The winner is displayed automatically on the home page after the end of the contest. Each competitor has statistics of his/her photographs in the contest. Each user and competitor can vote only once for a single photo. Voting after the end of the contest is disabled. A message on the Facebook wall also appears for everyone who has voted. With this feature, the contest promotes itself. Every photo can be commented on using Facebook Comments. Every photo can be promoted using the Post to Wall or Invite Friends buttons. Spam protection: it is impossible to place the HTML, PHP and Javascript code in the legend. A setting is available for presentation of the photos in a gallery. Sorting of the photos can be set both in the gallery and in the Admin Control Panel: the most recent/oldest, most/least voted for. Only .jpg, jpeg, png and gif files may be uploaded for contests. Full support for the following browsers: IE8, IE9, IE10, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox Fields are available for Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions and Faq with a WYSIWYG editor A separate language file is available. The application can be translated into any language using a text editor. Updates Latest update August 18, 2013 version 2.0 – Mobile version, Facebook privacy update, Color management.

Photo Contest Facebook App Home Page