Responsive HTML5/jQuery Sign In/Registration Form

Last Update
16 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Responsive HTML5 Sign In / Registration form, with jQuery effects and CSS3 customization. (Version 2.0)

NEWLY ADDED – Pop-Up version of the form (also responsive)

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Update – 5/16/2013

i made the form a bit smaller, because the original size was a little too big fixed the text positioning of the buttons

Key features:

- it is compatible with all major browsers (IE8, IE9, IE10, Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari) - really easy to use and to integrate into your website - cool effects - html5 custom validation - responsive layout - really easy to modify (100% CSS customizable) - it has commented sources - well made documentation

If you need support with any of my items, don’t hesitate to contact me.
