VenScrollBar - A jQuery Scrollbar Plugin

Last Update
23 August 2010
Regular License
Extended License

VenScrollBar is a jQuery plugin that allows web designers to replace the ugly, default OS scrollbar with custom ones that they create. All theming and customizations are done through CSS and the VenScrollBar API . The generated scrollbar completely implements the functionality of a regular scrollbar as well as offers some additional features such as auto-hiding and smooth-scrolling. This plugin is compatible with all the major browsers: IE7 +, FF3 .5+, Opera10+, Chrome5+, and Safari4+.

Please note: Only vertical scrolling is supported at this time.

If you like this plugin, please rate it five stars! If you don’t think it’s worthy of five stars, please explain why in the comments so that I can improve it. If you come across a bug, please make sure to tell me about it, otherwise, it might not get fixed. Lastly, I’m always open to new features, so speak up!