
Last Update
17 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

What is Overgray, in just a few words Overgray is a jQuery plugin that allows you to apply various grayscale effects on images when user hovers over them with cursor.

Changelog v1.1

compatibility with IE10 compatibility with Opera

Where do we think it can be used? We actually used this script to:

give a website subtle dynamics make certain page look more modern moderate pages that are oversaturated with colors remove user focus from less important (but large) image elements and so on…

Surely you already have a few ideas where to use it yourself as well?

A complete list of features

Extremely easy to implement Compatible with almost all major browsers Compatible with popular jQuery plugins

Can work from color to grayscale or vica-versa! Uncompleted transitions behave as they should Unlimited elements per page Hover over an element, apply grayscale to a child (or even children) within Applicable even on some other HTML elements

11 transitions to choose from Combine ON and OFF transitions Define a custom duration Can use jQuery easing plugin Has useful callbacks

It won’t break the page even on 10-year old browsers, it will just gracefully refuse to work.

Transitions Fade










Centered bars





Compatibility with various jQuery plugins Overgray is not built to replace any popular jQuery plugins. Instead it works seamlessly with them, creating a more powerful user experience.Below is list of plugins that we personally tested the compatibility with:

various widgets from jQueryUI library Fancybox (both older and new version) jCarousel YouTube player and much more we just haven’t tested yet…

Demo We have also prepared an online demo page with code snippets, where you can see how easy it is to implement the Overgray.

Want to know more? We are striving to create best possible tools for web developers. If you have any question of just want to give us a feedback, please do so on inbox@intellex.rs