WP PRO Invoicing System

Last Update
21 August 2013
Regular License

Create/ Manage invoices the easy way!

The “WP PRO Invoicing System” WordPress Plugin allows you to create invoices on your WordPress site. It has many powerfull features to handle invoices on your website. You can easily Create/ Edit/ Manage/ Export/ Send/ Track/ Report/ ... your invoices in just a few clicks.

Wordpress users who are linked as clients are able to View/ Track their invoices online and it’s even possible to allow Online Payments using PayPal.

In version 1.0.6 the first version of Woocommerce integration is added to the plugin. It allows you to automatically create invoices for every sale made with Woocommerce.

Translate ready, .mo/.po files included.

Create Invoices Manage, Edit, Export and Sent Invoices Track Invoices Export Invoices to PDF Let users pay Invoices online using Paypal Create Invoices for every Woocommerce sale automatically! Note: the Woocommece integration is just very basic at this stage. It is possible to create Invoices after every Woocommerce sale automatically although this will not take over the main invoicing from Woocommerce. The invoices get saved by the invoicing plugin itself and from that point they have to be managed from the invoicing plugin!

Updates WP PRO INVOICING SYSTEM V 1.1.5 june 20 2013

Added the option to create Credit Notes. Improved the way to customize the Invoice ID Fixed: possible “number_format() expects parameter 1 to be double, string given in …” error. Updated the code to create pdf invoices. Empty lines will now be excluded.

WP PRO INVOICING SYSTEM V 1.1.4 may 26 2013

Added possible number_format() error fix if zero is given. Fixed possible issue with (int) value to change invoice status.

WP PRO INVOICING SYSTEM V 1.1.3 may 16 2013

Updated jQuery UI CSS. Added the option to change the word VAT.

WP PRO INVOICING SYSTEM V 1.1.2 may 15 2013

Updated the AJAX code. It now uses the standard Wordpress ajax requests. Added loader while adding new Invoice Items. Added the option to add a title to each invoice.

WP PRO INVOICING SYSTEM V 1.1.0 may 14 2013

Updated the way VAT is calculated on invoice items. It’s now possible to have multiple items with a different VAT price. Updated some css code. Updated ivc_pro_system_settings Update bug.

WP PRO INVOICING SYSTEM V 1.0.7 may 13 2013

Fixed decimal inputs for default invoice items. Fixed invoice items update bug. Added note to pdf invoice is it has been fully paid.

WP PRO INVOICING SYSTEM V 1.0.6 may 09 2013

Added first version of Woocommerce integration. Added shortcode to show user invoices on the front end. [my_invoices]. Added clean number format. Added option to save invoice items.

WP PRO INVOICING SYSTEM V 1.0.5 may 07 2013

Improved the way Invoice items are loaded ( create new invoice, edit invoice ) Started to cleanup code using classes.

WP PRO INVOICING SYSTEM V 1.0.4 may 06 2013

Invoice status gets now updated after Paypal payment. Fixed client availability check bug. Fixed add new client bug. Added option to save invoices to one user ID. and access them from multiple user accounts.

WP PRO INVOICING SYSTEM V 1.0.3 may 05 2013

Fixed Update VAT bug. Added the option to pay Invoices Online using Paypal.

WP PRO INVOICING SYSTEM V 1.0.2 may 04 2013

Updated Translation loading bug. Added the option to include Wordpress users as clients. Added the option to allow users to track their invoices.

WP PRO INVOICING SYSTEM V 1.0.1 may 03 2013

Updated database structure. Added option to add footer text to each invoice.

WP PRO INVOICING SYSTEM V 1.0.0 may 02 2013

First release.