Duet - Project Management

Last Update
20 August 2013
Regular License

Support Hi. If you have an issues with this application, please email me via my profile page and I will do my best to help you get it resolved as soon as possiblehttp://codecanyon.net/user/23andwalnut Beautiful & professional project management that you’ll be proud to show to your clients

Project Dashboard Quick access to all of your projects. See which items need your attention first with color coded status icons.

Visual Invoice Builder Build beauiful invoices with drag and drop functionality that’s fully integrated with the project task functionality.

Integrated Payments Collect payments with Stripe or Paypal (with IPN notifications)

Task Management Adding new tasks is as simple as typing a note. Just click enter to add a new task. Other features:

Multiple filter options Search Drag & drop reordering Attach files to tasks Automatic status based on due date Quickly reassign to anyone on your team Integrated task timer (see Task Timer for more details)

File Management Beautiful file gallery shows a preview of each file, helping you quickly identify the the one you’re looking for. Other features: List view for power users Multiple file ajax upload Clients can upload files if this feature is turned on in the config file.

Project Calendar See all of your project tasks in a calendar view

Task Timer Keep track of how much time is spent on a task using the task timer. See which user’s have worked on a task and the amount of time they worked in the ‘time entries’ list. Manually enter time for those cases when work is performed without the timer. Activity Stream Displays a list of all recent activity within the application, making it easy for you to stay up to date. Global Search Quickly find anything using the global search feature. It searches all projects, tasks, files, invoices, and messages and returns an itemized (and filterable) list of matching items.

Integrated Messaging Have conversations about any resource in the application (project, task, file, or invoice). When viewing a resource, the messages panel only shows messages related to that particular item.

User Management Each client can have an unlimited number of users, allowing everyone in their organization to participate. Add as many admins as you need. Manage users and their profiles from the users list.

Client Details Page Displays a comprehensive overview of a client’s information, projects, invoices, and users Beautiful HTML emails All system messages are sent using a simple & elegant html template. Emails are easily customized with the integrated template language

Demo Login Details url: http://codecanyon.net/item/duet-project-management/full_screen_preview/4613916The demo does not require any login details