Lightbox Evolution for WordPress

Last Update
27 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Lightbox Evolution is a tool for displaying images, html content, maps, and videos in a “lightbox” style that floats overtop of web page. Using Lightbox Evolution, website authors can showcase a wide assortment of media in all major browsers without navigating users away from the linking page.

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iPad Compatible Technical Support If you have any questions, please contact me from my profile page here.


1.7.0 (Jan 25 2013) * Added retina support to default theme. * Added retina support to evolution theme. * Added retina support to carbono theme. * Changed default animation. Now is a little less funny. * Added maximized param. * Fixed move param. * Now autoresize=false only deactivate the max/min button. * Fixed '__flash__removeCallback' is undefined error in IE9. * Added preloading images in the gallery. * Added ajax options. * Added max size of videos, if the size is not defined by the user. * Removed GoogleVideos and Gametrailers video servers. * Dropped support for jQuery 1.3. * Added support.

1.6.13 (Jan 25 2013) * Fixed gallery filter. * Added custom link option to images in the gallery.

1.6.12 (Jan 17 2013) * Fixed bug "jQuery is undefined".

1.6.11 (Jan 12 2013) * WordPress 3.5 compatible. * Added Shortcode option. * Now you can choose which version of jquery you want to load. * Fixed gallery shortcode bug. * Fixed undefined index notice.

1.6.10 (Oct 10 2012) * Fixed Resize bug. * Fixed Regex. Titles were shown with quotes. * Added Overwrite WordPress gallery option.

1.6.9 (Aug 12 2012) * Added ratio param. * Improved regex of image detection. * Added Adobe Director support. * Fixed Chrome bug scroll with percentages. * Added compatibility jQuery 1.8.0 * Fixed IE7 Bug buttons div doesn't hide when is empty.

1.6.8 (Jul 05 2012) * Fixed IE7/IE8 Bug. * Regex of autolightboxing written from scratch.

1.6.7 (Jul 03 2012) * Fixed title is undefined.

1.6.6 (Jun 30 2012) * Added maxsize option. * Fixed esqueleto.move opacity bug. * All gallery system was changed. * More examples added.

1.6.5 (May 28 2012) * Fixed bug on custom buttons.

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