PHP Admin Pro

Last Update
22 August 2013
Regular License

Description PHPAdminPro is a powerful application and it have all feature of PHP SCRUD Data Management Tool. It help you to create a admin site without writing a single line of code.

How to create a component ? Please see on

Quick start

1) go to Table manager on Tools menu to create the table. 2) Access Component builder on Tools menu to create component for the table is create above (you can create many component for a table) . 3) In Component builder click ‘build’ button to build component by drag and drop. 4) Access Permissions manager on User menu to set permission for components . 5) Finished, Access component on Components menu to enjoy it.


No need to write code Drag And Drop Form Component builder Goup components Group permissions User permissions You can make permission for only access their own records User management Language management Setting management Components management Upload image and file CKeditor support Join tables Easy to use Anti sql inections Anti-XSS Anti-CSRF Auto Sortable columns Auto Pagination Customizable number of records per page Easy config the type of the field including Textbox, Date,Datetime, Autocomplete, Textarea, Editor, Checkbox, Radio, Selectbox by drag and drop Easy definition validate Editor, datepicker and datetimepicker support Use Twitter bootstrap Framework

Donation (Thank you) cryosis


2013-06-06 - V1.1 - Fixed a issue in the search by date.

2013-06-02 - V1.1 - Fixed issue on

2013-05-09 - V1.1 - Fixed a issue in the export csv on users and group page. - Display blank when image is not existed.

2013-05-07 - V1.1 - Fixed a issue (The save button of translate page is not working on Chrome browser).

2013-05-05 - V1.1 - Fixed language messages on signup and reset password page.

2013-05-03 - V1.1 - Added language manager. - Added change language on login page. - Added configure date format into app/configs/common.php. - Fixed issue the component configure is broken when field of table is added. - Modified installation.

2013-04-24 - Added selectbox multiple option. - Added htmlcharset configure into app/configs/common.php.

2013-04-23 - Added charset configure into app/configs/database.php - Fixed configure Form issue

2013-04-18 - V1.0 - Initial release

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