Showcase App for iOS

Last Update
18 April 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Showcase App for iOS is an app made with Flash Builder and AIR 3.6

It is written using ActionScript 3 + Starling + Feathers frameworks and it is based on Stage3D so that the performance of the app is really good, almost similar to a native application, as you can see in the preview video

Note that I’m testing the app on an iPod Touch 5th gen device so it doesn’t have the phone function. When tapping the phone number on the home screen or on the contact page your iPhone will automatically dial the number

Inside the bin-debug folder you’ll find the auto-generated apk file for android – not tested on an actual device

Main Features

Works on iPhone5, iPhone4 and iPhone 3 and Ipod Touch devices Google Analytics enabled Clean, simple, modern look Add as many products as you want No coding knowledge required Replace the assets&descriptions and you’ll have your own showcase app in no time The text descriptions for the products as well as the apps’ colors can be edited from a xml file 4 psd files included: the layouts for the 3 iPhone resolutions and the icon.psd file that helps you create all the icon png files Splash images and loading screen images are included as well as non-retina and retina icons in png format Commented code Rich documentation in which I explain how to download Flash Builder and AIR, how to add your own images and products and even how to prepare the app for AppStore submission

The app is suitable especially for entrepreneurs that want to have an iPhone app in which they can present their products to their customers