WooCommerce Currency Converter

Last Update
29 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Latest Version: 2.2

Allow your customers to convert product prices to a currency of their choice easily! WooCommerce Currency Converter is an extension for the WooCommerce plugin on WordPress. It uses Open Exchange Rates for converting your product prices to a currency of your customers choice! It features currency detection and responsive design. Orders are still completed using the base currency set in WooCommerce settings, converted prices are just for reference. Currency Detection Automatically detect customers currency based on their location, so your customers can spend more time looking at your products!

Responsive Ready WooCommerce Currency Converter comes responsive ready, so it will work on all screen sizes and devices!

Other Features

Shortcode for displaying the customers saved currency in the menu label Choose if converted prices replace base currency price or if they are displayed next to base currency price in brackets (when a currency is selected that isn’t the base currency) Choose if currency code is appended to product prices Works with WooCommerce price filter Full localization support Easy to use Clean code Seamless integration with WordPress and WooCommerce (doesn’t look out of place)

Changelog 2.2 – 29/07/13

Feature – You can now choose between open exchange rates and custom rates. Tweak – Pop-up can now show single list of currencies. Tweak – Replaced IPInfoDB with geoplugin for detecting currency. Tweak – Currency list in admin is now ordered the same as the front-end. Tweak – Removed “clear cache” button in settings, changing the open exchange rates app ID will now clear the cache. Bug – Currency list wasn’t saving the label and symbol for the woocommerce base currency. Bug – A custom rate couldn’t be set for the woocommerce base currency.

2.1 – 20/07/13

Tweak – Plugin handles converting WC ajax prices differently now. Tweak – Added some minor CSS to help with CSS conflicts. Fix – Currency thousands separator, decimal separator and symbol position were not working when converted price was replacing base price. Fix – Shipping ajax on cart now displays converted prices.

2.0 – 19/07/13

Feature – Back-end system for managing your currencies and adding any currency you want. Feature – View latest exchange rates for your currencies from Open Exchange Rates in settings. Feature – Set custom rates. Feature – Optionally set rounding precision per currency. Feature – Provides a warning in settings if there is a problem retrieving exchange rates or detecting currency. Feature – Optionally convert prices on checkout review order now. Feature – Optionally show a warning to customers on checkout now. Tweak – Localization text domain changed from “wbwccc” to “wccc”. Tweak – function prefixes changed from “wbwccc” to “wccc”. Tweak – filter prefixes changed from “wbwccc” to “wccc”. Tweak – Converting prices is now done directly in PHP and doesn’t rely on JavaScript anymore. Tweak – Updated pop-up CSS. Tweak – Translation files can now be placed in /wp-content/languages/woocommerce-currency-converter/ Fix – Lots of small bug fixes and improvements.

1.2 – 25/05/13

Feature – Now works with WooCommerce Cart widget. Feature – Optionally display a info message to customers on the cart page if they have saved a currency different from the base shop currency, warning them that all orders are processed in the base shop currency. Fix – Sets saved currency for customer when automatic detection is enabled without refreshing now. Fix – Fixed problem with getting the incorrect saved currency during ajax. Fix – Fixed problem with price filter script loading before currency converter script. Fix – Fixed problem with price filter causing problems if it was in a widget area not shown on the current page. Tweak – Improved the fancy CSS. Tweak – Changed “Automatic Detection” to “Prompt User” in settings.

1.1 – 26/04/13

Feature – Implemented option for changing customers saved currency automatically to detected currency. Feature – Implemented filter for easily converting custom prices Fix – Fixed cache time. Fix – Fixed bug where plugin would load before WooCommerce.