Script PHP Gift Calendar Facebook Home

Last Update
11 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Gifts calendar that can send gifts to their friends, the calendar is connected to Facebook, after that you can see your friends and send them gifts or birthday greetings. For all special occasions, viral traffic app.

Front-end: Back-end: User: admin Pass: admin


You can use it to increase traffic to your website and your customers can consult their friends directly from your site and send a gift. You can insert into your website easily with an iframe. Add unlimited gifts. Classifies the gifts for categories. You can insert it into a Facebook application page. Geared for people who want to traffics or promote your products online. Send Gifts in the Facebook wall of your friends. Send Gifts as private messages on facebook from your friends. Languages: English, Spanish and German (with potential to extend to more languages). Easy customization in case you want to edit, you can put the color you want. Check the movements with statistical graphics. Export data: email,user id, etc.. Resposive Design. Access to the administration.

Find your friends and send gifts Geared for people who want to traffics or promote your products online Check the movements with statistical graphics Export data of people who were connected to the calendar as: email, date, id .. Resposive Design (Take your administration everywhere) How to install

Put the files in a folder of your website Example: Create a Facebook application (requires API_ID) Edit the file config.php (to configure Facebook and database) ready, enjoy Calendar Gift


Version 2.0 – 2013-05-14 Added categories for gifts Modified the way to send gifts in the front Added to the calendar TOTAL ADMINISTRATION Graphical Statistics Number is displayed full access Displays the total number of gifts sent Maintenance of Categories Maintenance of Users Maintenance of Gift Export data: email, user, date .. Improvement and rapides in Code Resposive Design for the administrative (iphone, ipad, tablet, etc.) Range of dates to export data

Version 1.0 – 2013-04-17 Released

Bugs If you happen to find any bugs Please by all means, report them to me here at Codecanyon. I will fix them as soon as possible! I am willing to help you too with basic styling / customization.