Standalone eLearning

Last Update
7 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Standalone eLearning

New feature: PayPal integration

With this PHP application you are able to create questionaries for your clients or students. You can specify users which have the ability to create their own questionaries and share them with your clients / students. By solving a questionary you get an instant analysis of your knowledge. Resetting your questionaries is also possible. With the paypal integration you are able to force the users to buy questionaries before they can do them. But you can also offer free questionaries.

Key features of eLearning:

simple creation of questionaries management of users instant anaylsis of solved questionaries PayPal integration

As an additional feature units will find their way into the new version as well.

All in all it is an easy to use eLearning tool.

Live-Preview login: Username: Password: demo1

Admin: Username: Password: admin1