Advanced Quotes & Testimonials

Last Update
9 June 2010
Regular License

Advanced Quotes & Testimonials is a flat-file quotes and testimonials manager and display script. It’s features include:

No Database required, totally flat-file driven

Administration panel with login

Add quotes

Delete quotes

Javascript button to turn highlighted text into a link

Display random quotes anywhere on your pages

Display all quotes with pagination anywhere on your pages (easily control how many quotes you wish to be shown per page) Advanced Quotes & Testimonials is perfect for use as either displaying a quote of the day or displaying customer testimonials on your website.

You can display the quotes on any page using a single line of PHP code (detailed in the packaged demonstration file)

All of the code is extensively commented and should (i hope!) be easy enough to modify. It is styled entirely by CSS which should make it easy to style to fit your website design.

The username and password for the live preview are both “admin”.

Direct link to the live preview:

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