Pinterest Basic Script

Last Update
13 April 2013
Regular License
Extended License

We’ve done the hard work for you! Run your own Pinterest basic site with our script.

Earn top dollar

Sit confortable on your chair, bring traffic and see money coming from Sponsored Pins. PayPal IPN integrated. All works automatically.

Our application is paypal integrated so you just configure the pricing for three periods (sponsored pins):

1 Day 7 Days 1 Month

for a pin to become featured on homepage.

Easier to add/upload images for your users than ever with four options : Upload local file, Upload by direct image url, Search/Scrap remote URL for images

Videos section to allow youtube video embedding.

Membership System. Users can register and have profiles showing their Pins, Likes, Followers, Following & their Boards

Likes system: registered users can like others pins.

Followers system: registered users can follow each others. A follower pins will appear on the other person’s homepage.

Category system & Boards: categories dropdown & user boards to separate pins & boards.

Facebok Comments: users can leave comments if they’re already logged in into facebook.

Search system: visitors can look for a specific set of pins by entering their keyword.

And so much more to enjoy when using our Pinterest Basic Script.

Demo Account

Username : demo Password : demo123

Note : no admin panel access, do not insist. I am tired of abuses.