SeoMonster - OnPage SEO Raporting Sript

Last Update
7 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

What is this script about

SeoMonster is a unique script wich allows your users to run SEO tests over their sites.After a user submits a site,the script performs the necessary tests,and returns to him in a clean way,crawling checks,head elements checks,url structure tests,content checks and links checks.Also,every category has a special area,with all kinds of tips and tricks so he can improve his SEO.The script is ready to use,the only thing for you to do is to upload it on your ftp account,nothing else!

Main features

Crawling check(HTPP code,robots.txt,sitemap) Head elements check(title,keywords,description) Content check Url Structure check Links check Host informations Tips and tricks Slick and clean design(Bootstrap) Domain informations No api key required No mysql database required Ready to go in a few minutes

and much more…

Dependecies:cURL extenstion for php and fsockopen (optional,required for google pagerank grabbing)


07/06/2013 [1.4]

Fixed the keywords in description check Fixed the Host Information -> IP bug

05/22/2013 [1.3]

Fixed the HTTP status check(wich was returning erroneous HTPP codes) Fixed other minor bugs

04/14/2013 [1.2]

Fixed a “meta description check” bug Fixed a “keywords in italic check” bug

04/12/2013 [1.1]

Fixed some design problems Fixed some bugs with blacklist status Fixed a major problem related to alexa rank