PicManage v1.0 - Ajax Picture Manager

Last Update
6 December 2010
Regular License
Extended License

Check the new version – PicManage v1.5.7 Dec 06It’s important you upgrade to the new version!Demo : Username: admin Password: admin

The server where the demo is on, is a free one so sometimes the app needs a couple of seconds to load, but please be patient. And the upload limit is about 700kb i think.Please tell me if you encounter any bugs. Thank you!

Short description PicManage is a Ajax based Picture Manager, that allows users to upload multiple images to a web server, resize, create thumbnails and manage uploaded images. PicManage is very easy to install and use. No database is needed.Features:

- Ajax powered - Very easy to install and to incorporated in your site or application - Easy to configure, even for people without programming skills - jQuery enabled UI - Upload multiple images - Resize multiple images to given dimensions - Create thumbnails with given dimensions - Delete and rename images - Offers direct links to uploaded images and created thumbnails - Lightbox image preview - Details about uploaded images (image type, dimensions, file size, upload date) - Different validations on both client and server side ( allowed extension, filesize limit, check if the image name already exists, valid image names) - Change the number of images displayed per page in the images explorer - Image formats supported: jpg/jpeg, gif, png (with transparency)

System requirements:

PHP 5 + PHP settings: allowed file uploads PHP extensions: PHP GD library


Updates: v1.5.7 Dec 06 – It’s important you upgrade to the new version! - fixed a bug regarding the picture’s auto-generated id; changes have been made only to one file: “php/brain.php”

Updates: v1.5.6 Oct 09 - modified the rename image function; now the user can only rename the name of the image without the extension - fixed a bug in the creation of new albums; if the $currentDir doesn’t existed and tryed to create a new album this proccess would have failed

Updates: v1.5.5 Sept 24 - fixed an upload bug; there were cases when uploading a picture with a filename that already existed resulted in the overwrite of the original file from the server; this problem was noticed for filenames that included uppercases - fixed a pagination bug; the pagination system couldn’t work with a large number of pages, more then 15; I introduced a dynamic pagination now

Updates: v1.5.4 Sept 23 - fixed a small bug in css/style.css; a background image wasn’t showing

Updates: v1.5.3 Sept 14 - fixed a bug in the renaming process of images; it was possible to rename an image with the same name as an existing image from the same folder

Updates: v1.5.2 Sept 13 - fixed some bugs for older versions of IE ( < 8 )

Updates: v1.5.1 Sept 07 - replaced the jQuery tools tooltip ( this had compatibility problems with jQuery UI)

Updates: v1.5 Aug 25 - create albums - delete/rename albums - clear upload settings after upload complete - fixed some minor bugsFuture updates - delete multiple files at once - copy/paste images and albums - auto create jQuery powered galleries/slideshows from albums