Local Search and Exploration App

Last Update
5 April 2013
Regular License

Disclaimer: This app is not for the absolute beginner to iOS development. You will need prior knowledge to Objective-C and Xcode and I recommend having done at least one of Apple’s tutorials to feel comfortable working with controllers and tabbar components. I will be working on tutorials and documentation to go along with the app, and helping everyone that purchases the app via email and forum. Cheers!

I’ve created this app to help a dev new to iOS get up and running quickly with various components and practices. Along with being a fully functional search app, this project shows and documents some of the fundamental frameworks and tools common to almost any mobile application. In this app you will find example and working code for RestKit which is a data framework that does everything from your web server requests to your model mapping in CoreData (the iOS database framework). You will also find examples of both heavy Nib use (basically creating views with drag and drop) as well as programmitically created views so that you can quickly and easily try out both to decide which you prefer.

Works on iphone 4 and iphone 5 on version 5.0 to 6.1! With this app you can see a fully created application complete with:

RestKit Authentication AFNetworking CoreData Mapping of Models to CoreData CocoaPods Featuring pages and layouts for:

User authentication Parsing json data from a remote server Custom search with results table Detail “place” view for search results Manage my business page Empty controller with some options for content Settings layout If you have questions about the app, you can contact me directly @thinkclay on twitter