WordPress import YouTube videos

Last Update
22 August 2013
Regular License

YouTube WordPress plugin that allows quick and easy video import into WordPress to create a video blog in a matter of minutes. Compatible with premium themes deTube and Avada.

YouTube videos are imported as WordPress posts and can be used in front-end as individual posts or can be placed into existing posts or pages by using shortcodes provided by the plugin. Compatible with premium WordPress themes deTube and Avada.

YouTube videos can be imported from YouTube playlists, user uploads or from search queries. You can retrieve any number of videos from YouTube when doing bulk import. Bulk import settings can be controlled to insert all or only some details: ie. description pulled from YouTUbe can be imported as excerpt, post text or can be skipped altogether. Also, when doing bulk imports, the posts created can have status published, draft or pending, depending on your option.

Creating new videos is just as simple as importing. All you need to do is to input the video ID you want to create and the plugin will load the video details and populate fields with values retrieved from YouTube.

Plugin administration is styled using WordPress styles; this means that if you already know how to create posts in WordPress you won’t have any trouble using this plugin. No fuss, no eye-candy, just plain functionality. Also, automatic upgrade is available, all you need to do is enter your purchase code and you’ll get notified whenever we release a new version directly into your WordPress plugins page just like regular plugins do.

Extra care was taken when creating this plugin to avoid all errors and even notices. For any feature requests/issues with this plugin, please address the dedicated forum, all requests will be answered.

Plugin tested on WordPress 3.4.2 up to WordPress 3.6

Community love

Great job to the author he made this working with detube, also add a auto importer etc. A great plugin whats got from me the 5 stars! Johrans

This youtube importer is hands down with the last update the best one available. Works flawlessly with Avada/DeTube and other themes. In reality with minor adjustments it could be used with any custom theme. If anyone ever has any import issues (because youtube itself) its simple as going into automatic import and clicking reset and the channel that is giving you issues, within a min the vids will be up. It is also the only youtube importer I have seen that actually does avada and detube videoposter/featured/thumb properly, as the others fail beyond the standard theme itself, ie This will provide ajax thumbs for ajax calls as all the other fail importers dont, and will leave you hurting if you are hoping for grids and more. Anyways A++ the last update works perfect. netnewsledger

You, sir, are awesome. Your plugin now becomes the perfect youtube auto importer. Theres only two I can find on the market, and yours is way better than the free wordpress one. It has all the functionality I need, and I really appreciate your swift work and adjustments. You have my gratitude! Thanks:) mrslippy


compatibility with WordPress themes deTube, Avada, SimpleMag and GoodWork (plugin will import YouTube videos as posts that are compatible with the theme); automatic video import from YouTube playlists or user playlists; automatic/manual import of YouTube video image as post Featured Image; responsive video and playlist design; SEO friendly – YouTube video imported as posts and all content is displayed into page; support for HTML5 player; multiple players/playlists into the same page; latest videos widget; compatible with iPad/iPhone; embed single videos or playlists into posts/pages using visual interface; automatic plugin update (requires purchase code); bulk video imports from YouTube playlists, user uploads or search queries; video player embeded using only WordPress files to maximize compatibility; touch friendly; video imports can be used as posts in WordPress front-end; external CSS; playlist toggle in/out of view; all interface developed using WordPress styling; no erros or notices. General options

import videos as posts compatible with WordPress themes deTube, Avada, SimpleMag or GoodWork (theme must be installed and active for this option); display videos in front-end as posts or set them private and only display them using shortcodes; option to also import video categories from YouTube and assign them to videos; option to import video image as post Featured Image; import video titles or skip them; import descriptions as video description or excerpt or do not import them at all; optional bulk imports status; general player settings for: player size, video position in front-end video post, volume, autoplay, player controls, fullscreen, player theme, annotations and other; options for individual videos: player size, video position in front-end video post, volume, autoplay, player controls, fullscreen, player theme, annotations and other. Installation

Download the archive from CodeCanyon and extract the contents. Inside it, you will find a zip file called ccb-youtube.zip. Do one of the two:

1. Extract archive ccb-youtube.zip and upload whole cbc-youtube folder using FTP into your WP plugins folder OR 2. Using the Upload feature in your WordPress plugin installation page upload archive ccb-youtube.zip.


HTML changelog version can be accessed here: WP YouTube video post changelog. An XML version of the changelog can be accessed here: WP YouTube video post XML changelog.


New option in Settings page to import video image as post featured image; New option in Settings page to modify the slug for custom post type video and taxonomy; On post/custom post editing, new option in Featured Image meta panel to import the video image from YouTube (available only for posts created by the plugin); When displaying videos on custom post type pages, all video data needed by JavaScript is now passed by element attribute data-X (previously was stored in HTML comment inside element); All videos page (for custom post type) has new bulk action: Import thumbnails. When selected it will automatically import for all selected videos the image from YouTube and set it as Featured Image; In automatic playlists table, new column for displaying the category videos are imported in (if set); Compatibility with WordPresas themes Goodwork and SimpleMag; Solved bug that was preventing running more than 5 playlists for automatic update; Solved bug that was setting incorrect video size when importing videos in themes that use embed codes. 1.0.4

New option on manual and automatic bulk import to import as a different user other than the one currently logged in; New options under Settings page to import YouTube date of publishing as post publishing date. 1.0.3

Compatibility with DeTube WordPress theme – the plugin gives the option to create videos into normal post types that are compatible with DeTube; Compatibility with Avada WordPress theme; Automatic imports from YouTube playlists and user playlists; Option to show videos on all pages (like archives for example) instead of only single pages; Improved player script for the HTML5 player to work on themes that use the HTML5 player API; Import single posts directly into DeTube or Avada. 1.0.2

Solved bug that was preventing videos from loading on iPad/iPhone on certain ocasions; Updated playlist theme to better respond to responsive designs; Improved responsive design by resizing both width and height of player. 1.0.1

Solved permalink problem that was causing video post type to lead to 404 page unless WordPress permalinks were saved again. Recent videos widget can display list of videos as video playlist or normal list of links. Categories select box under video bulk import and shortcode are hidden when no categories were created. New functionality that allows bulk-import into an already existing category. 1.0

Initial release.