Facebook Page & Comment Integration

Last Update
5 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

This plugin allows you to have a true integration between your WordPress blog and Facebook allowing you to manage all your content in one spot without having to post in multiple places.

If your visitors have a Facebook account, they can register/login to your site with a single click Previously registered users can sync their existing Facebook account to their WordPress account, so they too can login with a single click Uses Facebook profile picture as user avatar for accounts synced with Facebook. Also uses Facebook profile picture for comments pulled from Facebook Pushes post from WordPress to associated Facebook Page or Facebook user’s timeline Allows you to associate a picture with your post when pushed to Facebook Pushes comments made in WordPress to Facebook in real-time, if they are automatically approved. If the comment was held for approval then comment will be pushed once approved. Pulls comments made in Facebook to WordPress in 10 minute increments. (Person who made comments on Facebook do NOT have to be users in WordPress) Deletes posts on Facebook when deleted in WordPress Deletes comments in Facebook when deleted in WordPress