All In One Gallery

Last Update
29 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

All In One Gallery “All In One Gallery” is a gallery for your all media files. The only thing you should is edit the “gallery.plist”.

“All In One Gallery” recognizes your all media files automatically and creates your gallery

Galery sayfan?za aa??daki kodlar? yazman?z yeterlidir. Hepsi bu kadar.

Write the following codes into the your gallery page. That would be enough.

showGallery = [[ImageShow alloc] init]; [showGallery createThumb:self];


Without any line codes. Easy to use, Professional design. Strong documentation.

Supported File Types Image Files

.png .jpg .jpeg .bmp .tiff .tif

Video Files

.m4v .mp4 .mov .avi and URL videos (youtube,http://…)

Automatically Icon Including (AIC)

It recognizes your files automatically and establishes descriptive images on your thumbnails icons.

For Example :

You may watch youtube How to Use link.

Note : include thumbnails PSD file.