Flexible Poll

Last Update
6 April 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Flexible poll is a dynamic poll management system. It is flexible, because you can publish it in any height and width on any web pages, no matter asp or php based. You can create awesome polls as you wish and you can add them to your web pages easily and securely. If you don’t allow to other people, they can not publish your polls on their website. There is a visual graph interface for poll results in the administrator panel and you can export poll results as .csv, .xml or .pdf files from this panel. There are also several options to preview your polls after you created them. And don’t worry, this system is compatible for all browsers.

Some Features:

Responsive, Fluid Design Published Poll fits in any size Works perfect on any PHP or ASP page Supports all Unicode characters Clean & Modern Interface Helpful & Informative Admin Panel Compatible for all Browsers Secured Against Unauthorised Access Auto Installation with just a few clicks Custom Preview Options Pie Chart – Poll Statistics Exportable Poll Statistics Allow/Disallow users to publish your polls Create unlimited Polls Create unlimited Options Customizable Background Color Customizable Title Color Hide/Show Title Easily Editable Title for Polls Deletable Polls & Poll Options Block duplicate voting by IP Much More…

Important Notes:

Don’t forget to add your webpage(s) from the “Defined Website” page. Otherwise you can’t publish your polls to your visitors. Change admin password for your security after first login. You can manually customize iframe width and height before inserting the iframe code to your webpage. They are both 100% defined automatically from the system.

Changelog v1.2 (04.05.2013) -Added five alternative templates for administration panel -Visual and functional improvements made on CSS, HTML, and PHP Codes -Added some alternative codes to publish your polls on your website -Added 'Language' menu item and dynamically changing ui -Some Regular Expression functions were modified -Buttons were converted to css based buttons for high resolution and fast page loading -Added an extra update system for old users

v1.1 (03.31.2013) -Visual improvements made -Some codes are rewritten for simplification

v1.0 (03.28.2013) Initial release