WooCommerce Drag N Drop Shop

Last Update
22 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

A WordPress WooCommerce plugin that will allow your site to use drag and drop shopping experience. It works with any product types! WooCommerce 2.0+ READY!

If you have enjoyed this plugin and find it useful, please leave a positive rating! Changelog 1.6: Added – Admin notification function. Update – Adjustsments to CSS. Fixed – Issue with cart images sometimes being cropped when added to cart.

1.5: Added – Function to hide the item count. Added – User hooks to manipulate the cart item image size. Added – Function to show produc title in the cart on cursor hover. Added – User hook to change empty cart icon image. Fixed – Sometimes variation index is undefined. Fixed – $post object not created during add to cart ajax call causing notice. Update – Misc CSS adjustments.

1.4: Added – Function to hide the cart on specified pages. Added – Function to hide the cart on specified categories. Added – Function to show cart only on shop type pages.

1.3: Update – Message popup has been restyled to be in the center like a proper modal box. Update – Misc. style adjustments.

1.2: Added – Header cart info refresh on add/remove product from cart for Woothemes Artificer and Wootique theme. Added – Two user callbacks for adding and removing product events. Added – The function to remove html arrows when item is added to the cart for themes like Artificer and Wootique. Added – Removing item event. Added – User filterable hooks for all text such as view cart text, checkbout button text, sub-total text, empty cart text and more. Added – Cart autohide feature for horizontal layout. Added – Ability to add variable products into the cart. Added – Option to show/hide on product’s single page. Fixed – When removing products from the cart, the product list would remove all added to the cart css class instead of from just one product. Fixed – A slight gap in the horizontal layout. Fixed – Draggable item handle position was off centered.

1.1: Update – Added check to make sure all carousel elements are being found before initializing carousel. Update – Escape some attributes that were not escaped. Update – Minor CSS updates. Fixed – Rare issue with colorpicker showing up twice on initial load. Added – Support for products without add to cart buttons.

1.0: Release.