
Last Update
28 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Mind-blowing bootstrap skin

Mind-blowing is very unique Twitter Bootstrap skin with extra color classes and some cool and 3D button effects.

This very 1st version includes 6 colors and each color is applicable to all elements like, buttons, button groups, pagination, drop-down menus, navbar navigation, pills, tab navigation and so on by using color classes introduced in Mind-blowing skin.

What is included in Mind-blowing bootstrap skin?

Twitter Bootstrap skin files with 6 Mind-blowing colors. Glyph Icons with 6 skin colors. Thumbnail hover effects for video, link, image and zoom Nivo slider. Fonts included:

open_sans open_sans_condensed titillium_text new_cicle

Finally i would expect your feedback to improve and enhance this skin for easier, fantastic and professional web development!
