The CheckList - Advance Ticket System

Last Update
3 July 2013
Regular License


The application works only on Unix / Linux environment. Needs: The Apache 2 server which supports mod_rewrite module, PHP 5.4.14+, MySQL 5.5.30+

If you have any questions or issues, please send us an email –

The CheckList application is created – especially – for web designers and developers. If you are a businessman , designer or a developer – this Checklist will suit all types.

If you create a lot of projects or websites, then you know that the most important thing is to make sure that everything is working and your client will be satisfied.

What is more your client’s success will be your own success!

The CheckList is designed both for those who create the projects themselves and for those who work in a large team. It allows you to control the whole process of creating a project – it can be a long and complicated process.

Designing, coding, programming, testing and dealing with clients – Each person who works with clients know that it can be hard but it won’t if you use our Checklist.


Before you begin the update, please make a copy of your files and database. The next step is extract downloaded file to the application directory. Open the login panel. The database update may take several minutes.

If the update is successfully installed, after logging you will see the new features.


> version 1.3 - 04/07/2013 Added: polish documentation Added: ability to clone a checklist > version 1.2 - 16/05/2013 Added: file uploads for comments and tickets Added: hyperlinks support Added: tickets filtering Added: filtering criteria are saved in the database Added: live notifications Added: new backgrounds Added: description field for tickets Added: auto-hiding notifications > version 1.1 - 9/04/2013 Fixed a data filtering. Added: special characters. Added: sorting checklist - from the last edited, the first visible unfinished checklists, then - locked, and finally - completed > version 1.0 - 26/03/2012 Initial Release