Random Number and Pin Generator

Last Update
22 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

What is it ? It is a php based platform for all who wants to generate random series of card numbers with pin for a particular price.

You can generate as many cards with any amount. This has admin section which will manage every transaction , card number , pins and prices.

User are able to buy cards , recharge them , view orders, recharges, and edit ther profiles.

Ajax search : for retrieving heavy data at fastest possible speed

Download : generates cards in csv , import your own csv , orders in csv etc


For testing use following details while making transaction card number : 4007000000027 expiry date : 10/16

please use as it is…

Demo : http://worknhire.net/cardnew/ user : demo pass : demo

Admin: http://worknhire.net/cardnew/admin user : admin pass : admin