Mega Slider

Last Update
7 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

MegaSlider is responsive slider module with touch-swipe navigation. You can add text, image or video to your slider. With a friendly admin user interface and power timeline manager, MegaSlider is highly customizable slider for Drupal 7. Demo item animation and slide transition. Frontend Features

Touch navigation for mobile and desktop Slide is reponsive, it shows best on all desktop and mobile browser You can add YouTube and Vimeo videos in slide

Preloads images. Move or fade transition for slides. SEO optimized

Custom effects for each object (text, image or video)

Cross browser: Slider was tested on IE8+, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome

Backend Features You can view how it work here

Easy to use admin area with drag and drop

You can add font from Google webfont Set custom effects, start time, stop time and delay for each object via timeline manager. Option to create styles Duplicate object and slide Function Works with Drupal 7.

Slide Items Panel

Tools panel

Timeline panel


CSS3 animation created by Dan Eden

Magic CSS3 animation Slit slider jQuery UI

Version 2.3:

Please run update.php after update. New features: - New slide transitions - New object effects + Effects in: foolishIn, puffIn, twisterInDown, twisterInUp, swap, swashIn, tinRightIn, tinLeftIn, tinUpIn, tinDownIn, vanishIn + Effects out: bombRightOut, bombLeftOut, foolishOut, holeOut, puffOut, swashOut, tinRightOut, tinLeftOut, tinUpOut, tinDownOut, vanishOut - Option to render css file for each slideshow Bug fixes: - Disable swipe vertical in touch device error - Minor bug fixes

Version 2.2:

Bug fixes New features: - Add option to show next/prev button on touch device - Option choose play video with lightbox

Version 2.1:

Bug fixes New features: - Import & Export - Link object - Choose slider loop or not - Add option to keep object at last item (stop animation)