Mobile First HTML 5 Game 3 Pack - 1

Last Update
21 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Demo Urls Balloon Candy


Granny’s Cake Calamity

This HTML 5 game pack is a stunning value. You get three mobile first fully responsive, original HTML 5 games. These simple but addicting games are a great addition to an existing gaming website, or a great start to a new arsenal of HTML 5 games.

All three games are built mobile first and look great on modern smartphones (Windows Phone, IOS, Android), tablets, all the way up to large desktop monitors.

The games feel like native mobile applications when played on a mobile device. This pack is truly cross platform because its simply HTML 5 and Javascript.

Notable Features

Full touch support when on mobile device. Mouse support on desktop/notebooks Responsive and tested on Windows Phone, Android Emulator, Surface Emulator IOS Retina Display Support – IOS Devices Only Mobile first (phone or tablet) and scales to very large desktop screens Full sound effects in supported browsers HTML 5 and Javascript – no plugins Cross platform – Runs on any HTML5 browser on any capable device Customizable splash screen for each game Full documentation Original HTML 5 games exclusively on Code Canyon Customization and addition of high scores, achievments, social features available via freelance or you can modify the included source file yourself. There is a great Clay.IO plugin available for adding awesome features such as achievements and high scores. (C2)

What You Get Felicity – Episode 1 [Device Orientation – Portrait] Felicity is a warrior princess whose village was recently pillaged by the overbearing tyrant King. To make matters worse, she and her villagers have been locked up in the King’s dungeon. The objective of this episode is to help Felicity escape the dungeion and free captured villagers. You can also collect village gold along the way!

Granny’s Cake Calamity [Device Orientation – Landscape] Granny was all set for her bake sale this weekend until she finds out her cakes have been stolen. Not only have her cakes been stolen, her neighborhood is in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Armed with an old-school single barrel pump shotgun, its up to you to save the neighborhood.

Balloon Candy [Device Orientation – Landscape] Balloon Candy is a simple, yet fun and addiciting HTML 5 game. The objective of the game is simple, pop balloons!

All artwork is original and/or properly licensed for use in your games. Most sounds are custom, those that are not have source credits in the help file.

Customization Instructions are included on adding your company or personal logo to the starting splash screen. it is as simple as replacing the generic logo image file.

Please contact me if you would like further customization or add-ons. For example, high scores, achievements, etc can be added via Clay.IO. These features are application specific and must be added on a per game basis. There will be a fee for customization.