Auto Post Thumbnail PRO

Last Update
15 July 2013
Regular License

Description Auto Post Thumbnail PRO is a plugin to generate Featured Image (AKA Post Thumbnail) from first image in a post or any custom post type. The plugin will also create thumbnails from several popular Video services if it finds a Video embedded in the post.

Post Thumbnails is a theme feature introduced with Version 2.9 of Wordpress. It was quickly changed to Featured Images with Version 3.0. Post Thumbnail, now Featured Image, is an image that is chosen as the representative image for Posts. The display of this image is up to the theme. Most Modern themes now use featured images in a variety of ways.

Also check out Category Featured image Our plugin which allows you to set featured images based on categories


“Simply AMAZING Wordpress tool!. Saved me time!. Thanks, I just tried it and all the options work perfectly. Super! Recommended. Five stars. Thanks for this useful work.” jtorres_mora

“Very well done. easy, cheap and damn useful! A must have.” area97


Extracts the first Image or Video in post and creates the featured image If no image found in post content, use the first attached image as featured image Existing Featured Images will not be changed Ability to provide default featured image to use if post content doesn’t have any image Generate thumbnails for Custom Post Types (Selectable) Generate thumbnails from external images Generate thumbnails from imported RSS feeds Generate featured images for old/legacy posts via a single click Setting to skip auto thumbnail generation right on the Post edit page Setting for smallest image to be considered as featured image Images inserted via shortcodes also supported. eg: [gallery] Auto thumbnail generation for popular video sharing services – YouTube, Vimeo,,, DailyMotion and MetaCafe Unlink Featured Images created by the plugin or all Featured Images Fully translatable, default.po has been provided Well supported with free updates

Installation Once you have downloaded the zip file from Code Canyon extract the contents to a folder of your choice. Chances are if you are reading this you have already done that. Find the file called This is the plugin file. You can upload this file from your Wordpress Admin

Go to Plugins > Add New Select Upload Upload the file Activate the plugin Go to Settings > Auto Post Thumbnail PRO Set the options as per your liking

Alternatively you can manually install the plugin by following the instructions given here.


The Auto in the plugin name is not just for effect, it indeed just works. There are however a few plugin options that you can set:

Set URL of default featured image to use if post’s content doesn’t have any image, this is optional Set a dimension of smallest image (in post content) to be considered as featured image. This is 17px by default so that smileys etc. will be excluded Click on ‘Generate Thumbnails’ button to generate featured images for your published posts which don’t have any featured image already set

While adding or editing a post you can set or unset a the setting to skip automatic thumbnail generation


1.3 Resolved compatibility issue with latest release of NextGen Gallery Resolved compatibility issue with wordpress gallery shortcode [gallery type=”slideshow”] Added support for YouTube Protocol-less URL embed code Fixed issue ‘already declared function display advertisement’ Added ability to un link orphan meta value instantly on removal of featured image


Added Log for batch thumbnail generation, most helpful to see problem post 3 levels of loggin Added ability to select which custom post types will be processed by the plugin – no more messing with the code Added ability to un link featured images created by the plugin or all the featured images Several stability improvements


Added feature to select default featured image via WordPress media manager Added feature to consider images (in post content) which don’t have standard image file extensions (.jpg, .png etc.) so that images from some webshot services work Added feature to select post’s first attached image if any valid image not found in post content Fixed update notifier script


Initial release

Sources and Credits

WordPress Plugin Update Notifier for Code Canyon jQuery UI’s progress bar

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this plugin. As I said at the beginning, I’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this plugin. No guarantees, but I’ll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the plugins on CodeCanyon, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the “Item Discussion” section.

Tarique Sani, SANIsoft