ZoomFolio - WordPress Portfolio Plugin

Last Update
9 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

WordPress 3.6 100% Compatible

WordPress Portfolio Intro DZS ZoomFolio is the ultimate plugin for displaying your creative portfolio to your clients and that’s not all. You can use it to show the recent posts from your blog or a gallery from your vacation. The possibilities are endless.

The backend helps you do just that in a easy way. Uses the WordPress’s Custom Post Types for you to create Portfolio items in the WordPress intuitive way. It’s based on shortcodes, but there is zero effort to understand how you customize it because there is a intuitive Shortcode Generator bundled that does just that for you.


easy to install - install and get this plugin ready in less then one minutes. responsive – looks great from mobile to HD flexible – can be used to work as a Recent Posts showcase

shortcode generator – customize skins, categories to show and others via the shortcode generator

awesome graphics

zoom on photos function

CSS3 technology - this gallery uses cutting-edge css3 definitions to render awesome 3D effects in supporting browsers, the others will degrade gracefully

compatible with all major browsers, including IE – compatible from IE7 to IE10, Chrome, Safari and Firefox

SEO friendly – built with search engine optimization on mind from the ground up, the Testimonial Rotator uses non hidden valid html markup to build the widget

custom light box – be different from the others. This plugin uses all custom code to deliver the fitting experience.

iPhone / iPad optimized – this gallery has been optimized for Apple touch devices

Android optimized – this component has been tested on Android 4.0 and works awesome

Portfolio Notes images are not included, they are brought from stock sites

ThemeForest theme authors can use this in their themes with Extended Licence

Portfolio Updates For updating, disable and delete the previous version, and install the new downloaded one. Or (recommended ) just unpack the zip you get from the download and overwrite the previous folder from wp-content/plugins/ via ftp UPDATE 3.02 [ 08/08/2013 ]

[FIX] permalink section errors

[FIX] connection lost bug

UPDATE 3.00 [ 07/05/2013 ] [ADD] Page Builder – edit Portfolio Items with a drag and drop interface and add sliders with ease ( via an easy to use admin )

UPDATE 2.31 [ 06/20/2013 ] [FIX] a fatal conflict in the admin causing admin to not work.

UPDATE 2.30 [ 06/20/2013 ]

[FIX] some bugs

[TWEAK] more concise options for linking feature area / meta area

[ADD] you can change the “All” keyword directly in the admin ( Settings > DZS Portfolio Settings )

[ADD] updated documentation

[ADD] You can have multiple images on a project now ( if the item is of type image and has a “item gallery” attached )

[ADD] new layout chooser option

[ADD] new skin – skin-corporate

[ADD] extra css option in the main settings admin

[ADD] option to enable Portfolio Meta for pages ( post_type=page ) in the settings admin

UPDATE 2.22 [ 05/30/2013 ] [fix] major bug fix on the Shortcode Generator not opening

UPDATE 2.21 [ 05/27/2013 ]

[fix] major bug fix on the Portfolio Items Meta

UPDATE 2.20 [ 05/27/2013 ]

[add] new Features for ZoomBox lightbox like gallery, zoom on photo

[add] documentation videos and other instructions

[add] change the “All” keyword from the settings page

[fix] accordion style inside gallery fix – now works on the Item Gallery tab

[fix] reported bugs

UPDATE 2.01 [ 05/02/2013 ] Major Update

[add] new Portfolio Item type – gallery

[add] new Portfolio Item type – audio

[add] new Portfolio Item type – video

[add] new Portfolio Item type – testimonial

[add] new Portfolio Item type – link

[add] new Portfolio Item type – twitter

[add] new Portfolio Item type – youtube

[add] new Portfolio Item type – vimeo

[fix] reported bugs

UPDATE 1.90 [ 04/20/2013 ]

[tweak] excerpt now works better and support shortcodes

[add] full integration for qTranslate pluggin

[add] change highlight color in shortcode generator

[add] change overlay start / mouseout position from the meta options of each item

[add] change order criteria of listing portfolio items – date / random / title / custom via id=”x,z,y”

UPDATE 1.80 [ 04/16/2013 ]

[tweak] the shortcode is now named [zoomfolio] instead of [portfolio] because of some themes reserving the portfolio shortcode / no worries when updating , the [portfolio] will still work

[add] higlight color for skin-blog on each portfolio item meta options

[add] preload all images option

[add] prettyphoto lightbox library – you can now choose between zoombox or prettyphoto lightbox for each portfolio

UPDATE 1.70 [ 04/05/2013 ]

[fix] a bug with the portfolio not showing up

[fix] uploader works on wp versions lower then 3.5

[tweak] now thumbnails resemble the whole image

UPDATE 1.60 [ 04/01/2013 ]

[fix] a bug where the shortcode generator would not work

[add] new endless scrolling feature – check the third demo

[tweak] accordion now works as it should, closes old tabs

UPDATE 1.52 [ 03/29/2013 ]

fixed a bug showing “PhotoDune” instead of the real title of post title / item title

tweaked big image to use the native wordpress media uploader

tweaked shortcode generator to use zoombox instead of native thickbox

UPDATE 1.50 [ 03/26/2013 ]

added advancedscroller mode

added gallery mode to posts on skins accordion and clean – as shown in the preview

added Vimeo type open in light box

tweaked item_width attribute name, now design_item_width

UPDATE 1.40 [ 03/25/2013 ]

added Item Width field in the shortcode generator for default item width

added Overwrite Item Link with Big Image field in each portfolio item meta

fixed do not open Big Image in lightbox field

UPDATE 1.30 [ 03/24/2013 ]

added support for youtube videos in the big image field

fixed a small bug with force thumb width / height

UPDATE 1.21 [ 03/23/2013 ]

added support for not opening the image link in a light box

UPDATE 1.2 [ 03/22/2013 ] added support for showing categories in the Recent Posts

UPDATE 1.1 [ 03/21/2013 ]

added color options

WordPress Portfolio Showcase Where clients used this plugin.    You can submit examples to the showcase by sending us a PM.

WordPress Portfolio FAQ

On our site we would like to use the Zoomfolio to present our courses. When a user click on an image it zoom out.

Is it possible to place a link to the image? We would like to navigate the user to the page of the course by clilcking on the image. Yes, it’s possible to not use lightbox zoom in on the featured image. Look at this picture here, it is configuration for every Portfolio Item -

You have 2 parts of the Portfolio Item, and you can link them to whatever, a lightbox image zoom in, a custom link ( that you choose ), the portfolio item link or nothing at all. You choose!

I can see that your plugin also can display all the posts on a page. How is that done. I have around 20 categories with posts in. How do I display the categories and the posts within them?

It’s simple. Just select the post_type to post in the shortcode generator ( default is dzs_portfolio, the Portfolio Items custom post ) then input the categories id you want to show. The zoomfolio will show your posts sorted by categories.

Nice plugin – I’m wondering is it possible to link the thumbnail to an existing gallery using a link. Rather than clicking on the thumbnail to get a bigger image ? Set any link inside the Big Image and set Open Big Image in Lightbox to OFF

Hi is it possible to filter the portfolio by two categories or more and show the results. You can show items from as many categories as you want. Only those will be showed.

how to apply more then 1 different color overlay as you have in your demonstration to the blog skin and using grid 2. A overlay color meta box will appear on every portfolio item edit box. If you want to maintain the transparency you can enter something like rgba(0,0,255,0.5); in that box

I’m interested in carousel functionality. I would like to know more about the setting options, and what you can style and how easily? Is it easy to style with css? Can you style pagination, change previous/next icons, colors, position of that? The carousel is 100% skinable via CSS and the icons are simply image, you can just go ahead and replace them, position again is part of css so easily changeable. Seems like a lot you need to remember with the shortcodes. Is there dropdown list or any help that makes that easier? False, there is not much to remember. There is a shortcode generator included that appears on every post / page . There are options for almost all customization options, and more are added with every update.

Can I show any of the custom fields together with each scroll, or is it just description? With some light php / wp knowledge you can add any custom meta there.

The tile colors are random or can I choose somehow? There is one default color. But you can choose for each item via an easy to use colorpicker.

Using the accordion view, once you click the picture and the secondary content populates, where the images slider appears….

Can I place a video in that position?

the opened content comes from the post content. So any html can be placed there

Thank you!

I want to use the plugin as a way to show some posts from a certain category (not portfolio). What should i write in the Custom WPQuery Arguments field in the shortcode generator to show for example 3 categories with IDs for example 4,5 and 8


OR the complete shortcode, something like this should do

[zoomfolio settings_mode="masonry" skin="skin-default" wpqargs=" post_type=post" cats="206,207"]

Where 206 and 207 ar the id of your categories

I assumed it would have functionality with existing wordpress categories. But it does work with existing categories. Just that they do not appear in the Shortcode Generator. You have to manually type the categories you want id’s. And the id is easy to get ( link here – http://digitalzoomstudio.net/faq/ )

And then you just build the shortcode based on that like so ( for example )

[portfolio cats="3,14" wpqargs="post_type=post"]

Another question please, how i can fix the gallery at the center of my page? it’s always in the left. Thanks!

If you use a fullscreen theme, you can wrap the shortcode in a that centers like so ( for example )

<div style="margin:0 auto; width:100%: max-width: 1170px;"> [portfolio] </div>

hi i was wondering how can i pull specific post category via shortcode You just have to write cats=”thecategoryid” as an shortcode attribute so for example if you want posts / items from category 5 you would do

[portfolio cats="5"]

Info on how to get the category id here – http://digitalzoomstudio.net/faq/

Where do i put vimeo id on post to open on lightbox You just write the link to the video in the Big Image field ( ie https://vimeo.com/2 )

Hi, i would to know if is it possible add videos in your portfolio. I mean, if it plays when clicks on it. Yes, it allows for self hosted video, vimeo and youtube

With the recent posts, does it just show recent posts, or can you set it to show sticky posts or from a particular category? You can show posts from the categories you want by specifying the category id in the cat parameter

Also can you insert the folio with a php code, so it will show on the homepage? sure echo do_shortcode('[portfolio]');

What do you get?

ZoomFolio WordPress plugin – get creative! documentation – extensive documentation on how to install & configure the plugin free updates – even if the value of this gallery increases with upcoming updates, you will get them for free free support – for installation via our support board -> http://digitalzoomstudio.net/support/ this is the fastest form of support