Language Learner app for iPhone

Last Update
21 April 2013
Regular License
Extended License

This app is ideal for people who want to learn new languages but hate carrying around notes and books. In this app they have the ability to store all the words they need to learn for the language they want to learn. This app is fully written in Xcode (Objective C), not using Storyboard, but supports iOS5+ and iPhone 5 screen as well. Using ARC and fully documented via appledoc ( Using custom animations (CATransitions) to change between viewcontrollers and custom CALayers/CAGradientLayers to customize views. Including two targets for Free and Pro. Free app has some limitations: only 2 categories can be created only 10 words can be added for each category Features: iOS 6 and iPhone 5 support Support iOS5+ Open in to open .json and .csv files Parsing .json and .csv files Core data to store datas CALayer and CAGradientLayers to make graphics smoother Blocks, completionBlocks Free and Pro version within the same app CATransition Custom UIView animations Custom graphics, with included .psds No storyboards Every method and property documented using AppleDoc (Apple like documentation tool) Splash screen New version includes: Ability to edit words Add notes for words When practising switch between words and meanings (what to display first) Ability to upgrade to Pro version from Free Use to download new dictionaries Modified Core Data to be able to save notes for Words .Pdf, explaining how to setup to work with your app (cause I can’t give you my account’s credentials) New version includes: (17.04) Open and parse .json, .csv files with “open in” Parse .json and .csv files into Core Data