myWebStats V3

Last Update
4 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

myWebStats V3 created to assist site owners to monitor their impressions and unique visitors, referrals from search engines, social networks and more.


Metro style design Friendly and SEO urls Multipie admins and only one System Administrator Visitors by: - all, days, months, years, browsers Referrals by: - websites, search engines, social networks Flash chart 12 days of unique visitors on Dashboard AJAX Pagination


Admin account (No System Administrator): demo / demo

Update 1.4:

Added continents map Added visitors by continents Fixed mywebstats file added more features Refixed pages: visitors by days, referrals by websites/search engines/social networks Changed GeoIP with newst version

Update 1.3:

Fixed pages referrals by websites, search engines, social networks

Update 1.2:

Fixed referral getting New feature add -> generate js file with code

Update 1.1:

Fixed chart bug New feature: Add more than one site.