Clients Wordpress Plugin

Last Update
22 June 2013
Regular License

Clients WordPress Plugin is responsive, with this plugin you can display a set of logos as a grid or in a carousel.

This plugin is perfect to: - Display a list of clients logo in wordpress website. - Display logos in a grid with external links. - You can group your logos by categories.

You can display the logos in 4 different Styles 1. WithoutBorder 2. Border 3. Shadow on over 4. Slider (carousel)You can display logos in 2 different grid type 1. Normal GridIn this grid type all logo will have a fixed size, but it also adapt with available space and different screen size. 2. Responsive GridIn this grid type all logo will display in grid with a number of columns with resize all logo to fit the columns, and the grid will adapt with smaller screens. Grayscale Style You can display your logos on grayscale style, and when scroll over the logos will have original colors. The grayscale style compatible with most browsers. Filter by categories

You can group logos by categories and you can display logos by selected category or all of them.

Possible to sorting your logos You can sorting your logos by 3 different sorting type, ( Publish Date, Title, Random).

Possible to set URLS You can set urls to all logos. All links open in a new page.