
Last Update
3 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Gallerix is a WordPress plugin that allows you easy and fast to create image galleries.

From your Admin Panel go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload -> Browse and pick the Gallerix archive file. Click “Install Now” button. Click “Active Now” after the plugin has been installed. A new menu should now appear in your Admin Menu called “Gallerix”.

From your Admin Panel go to Gallerix-> Categories -> Add Category. Enter category name and click “Save Changes”.

From your Admin Panel go to Gallerix -> Images. You will see a list with categories you have created and button to the right “Add image to this category”. Add the image details and click Save Changes.

The plugin uses the shortcode [gallerix] to display the front-end content. From your Admin Panel create new Page or Post and type [gallerix].

If you want to call it directly through “do_shortcode” use: <?php echo do_shortcode(“[gallerix]”); ?>


If you intend to call the shortcode with “echo do_shortcode(“[gallerix]”);” make sure you have loaded the scripts first by using: <?php Gallerix::enqueue_scripts(); ?>

Shortcode examples:

[gallerix cat=1,2,3 defaultcat=1] cat – Category ids to display separated by commas (optional) defaultcat – The id of the category to display as a default (optional)

Shortcode default usage:

[gallerix]Please note the images used in this preview are for demo purpose only and are not included in the package!


25 July 2013 Gallerix version 1.2.3

- Bug fixes for Internet Explorer versions 8+ - The category ids are now visible in the Gallerix -> Category List

07/06/2013 Gallerix version 1.2

- Added option to add multiple images at once. - Added social sharing buttons (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) - Added keyboard navigation for the popup (right,left arrows) - Other minor bug fixes

Updating existing Gallerix (version 1.0 or 1.1) plugin to version 1.2 instructions: 1) Deactivate plugin (DO NOT UNINSTALL or you will delete the existing sql tables!) 2) Overwrite the existing gallerix folder in wp-content/plugins 3) Re-activate the plugin

21/05/2013 Gallerix version 1.1

- Added option for manual ordering of the images through drag & drop.

Updating existing Gallerix (version 1.0) plugin to version 1.1 instructions: 1) Deactivate plugin (DO NOT UNINSTALL or you will delete the existing sql tables!) 2) Overwrite the existing gallerix folder in wp-content/plugins 3) Re-activate the plugin