Beautiful Customer Support and Article System

Last Update
9 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Beautiful Customer Support System is a simple to use yet fully featured customer support system!

Working with users to provide support can be difficult. Beautiful Customer Support System allows for managing support requests online via email or web. The system is designed from the ground up to work on multiple devices across the board. It is fully responsive to mobile devices (such as iPhones, Androids, Windows Phone etc.), tablets (iPad) and desktop computers.

To answer a lot of your question, we have included a knowledge base component to allow you to provide your users with answers to common questions to save you the headache.

System includes features to assign tickets to a specific staff member. Also includes setting a priority to a ticket and communicating with the user very quickly. Includes a simple web-based installer for any computer user to understand as well as documentation about the system. Markdown based formatting.

Features Included Out of the Box!

Works COMPLETELY with mobile browsers! Contact your users on any medium. Customize the System’s Styling Add in Knowledge Base Articles to solve common questions Interface with users in a simple ticket system Prioritize tickets with priorities to help overcome large amount of support tickets Assign a ticket to a specific administrator Email notifications


Admin Username/Password


Password: demo1234

We use the system ourselves to provide support and answer your questions.

Installing the System We have outlined the documentation to install the system in the README.html file included with the download. Simply put, you can install it with the built-in installer located at http://YOUR-DOMAIN.TLD/installer. So if you installed it at, the installer would be at

After Installation After installing the system, you will be logged in. From there, you can add knowledge base articles, change the settings, etc.

Behind the Scenes Beautiful Customer Support System is a Laravel based application running on PHP 5.3.x. It uses modern, fast and efficient programming techniques to create a secure and reliable system for our users.

Try it yourself now!