Client Feedback

Last Update
10 April 2013
Regular License
Extended License

You are website member or someone interested in products on that website? You want to contribute your ideas, comments or compliments for products/website and customer services on that site? Client Feedback component will help you do that.

Client Feedback helps visitors express their appreciation and comments on the products they buy/use or comments on customer service of websites they are interested in… For example: why did they choose to use that site’s products, their evaluation on highlight features of product, or good customer caring… Clients Feedback Features:

Compatible with Joomla ACL. Flexible configuration in component and menu parameters. Support multiple templates. Support multiple languages. Allows admin to manage (create, edit, delete, approve) feedbacks. Nice design and interface. Notification setting via email if you want to receive notifications. Auto / Manual approval a new Feedback. Enable Captcha if you want to avoid spam. Displays list of Feedbacks in frontend. Allows users to submit their Feedbacks in frontend. Allows admin to edit/blocked a Feedback in frontend. Module shows Feedbacks in a fade in/out effect. Orders Feedbacks by Most recent, Oldest first, Ordering, random. <!- Update version -> New In Version 1.0.1 (28th March 2013)

Add button for Submit Feedback to module.

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