jQuery Contact Tabs

Last Update
8 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

A jQuery form generator for creating unlimited slide-out or static contact tabs containing AJAX powered customised forms. Plugin includes 12 different form elements and client-side validation. Both “light” and “dark” skins available. Add multiple tabs, each with its own custom form or use the built-in default standard contact form. All form HTML and styling generated by the plugin. Available Form Elements

Text block Text fields Textarea Select lists Radio button groups Checkboxes Hidden fields Email to & email from text fields IP field for including user’s IP address URL field for including URL of page where form was submitted Submit button

jQuery Contact Tabs Features

Create custom forms with 12 different form elements Submit form via AJAX Display either using slide out tabs or static tabs in your page content. Fully flexible positioning. Position sliding tabs relative to browser window or within the page content. Includes validation options for form input Includes both light & dark skins Includes sample PHP file for sending email via PHP mail or SMTP (using PHP SMTPClient class) Option to load open for slide out tabs. Control order of tabs & select default tab on page load. Show/hide slide out tabs or change active contact tab using external links. Default contact form very easy to use – just add a single div tag to your web page & initialize the plugin! Full documentation. Multiple examples including configurable demo and form samples. Tested up to jQuery 1.9.1

jQuery Contact Tabs Demos

Quickstart (Dark Skin) Quickstart (Light Skin) Positioning Options Static Tabs Inline Sliding Tabs Multiple Contact Forms Credits

SMTPClient – PHP class for sending SMTP email

Changelog v1.0 – 08/03/2013 (Current Version)