Easy Responsive Slider

Last Update
15 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Dream Responsive slider - Description

dream responsive slider from arabgento for creating easy responsive slider and organize your group of image and show as slider with effect, you have one slider for multi platform desktop tablet and mobile


For install just upload Arabgento_Deam_Responsive-2.0.0.tgz from magento connect manager and click install.

clear cache and logout login for refresh acl all needed parameters for cloud zoom inside : System->configuration->arabgento(tab) ->Dream responsive slider (enable=yes by default) Video Demo and tutorial of Dream Responsive Theme



customise css for every group slider from background admin parameters js is customisable from administration(enbale preload,autoplay,paly in the first frame,delay animation…) customise background image and next preview button(just with click in admin) add image and related to store view linked image (or not) to categorie or external link href image with all options of traget ,_blank , _self And for group you can : related images to group fill all params of slider with default values from one click disable or enable add image order color chooser (preload,title,subtitle) complete video tutorial support in the skype and official site