HTML5 AJAX Contact Form Generator

Last Update
18 March 2013
Regular License

HTML5 AJAX Contact Form Generator helps you to create dynamically contact forms for all websites you have. Once contact form is created you just need to copy and paste the generated javascript code into your website. After that all changes related to the existing contact forms can be done through the administration interface without copy/pasting everytime the generated javascript. The software gives you the ability to store all received messages from all contact forms into administration and have quick and easy access to them. You can find a full list of features right below.

Features of HTML5 AJAX Contact Form Generator

Unlimited users registrations- support user registration and individual accounts for each of your customers. Administration account – allowing you to manage your users Dynamic form builder allowing you to create new fields with drag and drop, place interactive captcha (no more numbers and letters), editing required fields, setting tooltips and many others Organizing contact forms per website Create unlimited contact forms for each of your websites Completely AJAX contact form – no redirects, no page refresh Quickly and easily modify the styles of your contact forms according to your needs Twitter Bootstrap framework for all forms you create Live preview of all style changes without need to refresh the page all the time till you get the results you need Enable and configure response emails sent back to the sender – customizable subject, body and sender Easy integration of your contact forms into any of your websites – regular static website, WordPress, Joomla or whatever website you have. Just copy the automatically generated Javascript code and paste into your website. It’s absolutely the same like adding google analytics code Easy and useful way of managing of your contact form messages and sent emails Useful information for each message showing – on which page of your website the user got the email, time of sending the email, location and many others! GEO location of each messages sent through your contact form Contact for messages dashboard where you can easily manage your last messages sent through your contact from. Easy configuration and installation. Less than 2 minutes for configuration and you are ready to start creating your contact forms Ability to create any other types of forms with dynamic builder Tour guide which will help you to create your website and contact forms for first time. If you forget something you can always enable the tour again Javascript API which provides centralized control of all your contact forms. Just get the javascript code and place it into your website. This means that you can use it on any platform or language you want. No development skills are required! Password protected user interface which protects all your data. Options to enable/disable your websites or contact forms easily. This means that you can keep your data into the system without deleting it Customizable email sender for each of your forms Completely supported multilanguage. All strings are located into a language file and can be easily changed without any development skills. So in that way system can be translated into any other language for no more than 1 hour AJAX sorting and search functionality which allows you easily to find any of the messages you are looking for

Live Demo Live demo of generated contact formLive demo of administration username: admin password: admin

Server Requirements You need the following service running on your server so you can run the system properly:

PHP 5 MySQL 5 Apache

Help and support You can send all your support questions into phpforest forums