vBulletin Connector

Last Update
4 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

vBulletin Connector – Integrates your vBulletin forums with your Wordpress site!

vBulletin Connector (scVBConnector for short) is a Wordpress plugin that hooks into a vBulletin database and displays vBulletin comments in a Wordpress Post page. This plugin can both work in harmony with your existing commenting system or replace it.


Wordpress/vBulletin integration Configurable options for custom avatars Creates matching vBulletin threads for you when you add a new Wordpress post Creates a trackback link in vBulletin thread to your Wordpress post with quote from your Wordpress post Configurable language settings Multisite support


1.4 – August 5 2013

Custom Date/timezone settings implemented. Go ahead and customize the date format you would like to use for the comments.

1.3 hotfix – May 15 2013

Thanks to primagames user, corrected bug introduced in 1.3 relating to automatic vBulletin thread creation on new Wordpress post.

1.3 – May 5 2013

Added dropdown in settings to select support between vBulletin 4.2, 4.1, 3.8

1.2 – Mar 30 2013

Added display settings to control output text/language Added Quote Wordpress Post feature to automatically insert some Wordpress text into vBulletin thread


Automatically Create vBulletin Post for Old Posts added Compatibility Mode added


Initial Release

Features in development

The following features are under consideration for future releases.

Register Wordpress account creates vBulletin account Anonymous posting from Wordpress to vBulletin Auto-login to vBulletin from Wordpress post for direct commenting Direct integration into Wordpress comments array ( *this is not possible via plugin alone but can implemented with modification to Wordpress theme due to Wordpress limitations )