TumblrWall For WordPress Version 2

Last Update
16 April 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Version 2! TumblrWall For Wordpress Plugin Version 2: Display Tumblr.com blog post photo’s in an Ajax multicolumn gallery with lightbox photo galleries. Quick pin/tweet/follow buttons and link to original tumblr post. Features:

NEW FEATURES: -Now powered by the Isotope plugin for a masonry layout(much more reliable and compatible layouts). Post tag filtering option. Automatically add tag buttons associated with each image. When these buttons are click the wall repopulates the images based on the associated images. Up to 50 images per Ajax loaded wall page(was 20). Hideable Navigation and Social buttons.

Easy Implementation – Uses shortcode implementation to add a gallery to any page. Wordpress 3.5 – Works with the latest wordpress installation as well as Wordpress 3+ versions. Tumblr.com Api – Uses the newest Tumblr api to fetch tumblr blog post images and displays the first post image as a tumblrwall image. When the user loads the image into the tumblrwall lighbox they can scroll through the rest of that posts images. Multi-Columns – Set the number of columns to split the gallery into. Default is 6. Ajax loaded Slides -Shows upt to 50 images per Ajax loaded slide. Ajax loaded content using “Next” and “Previous” buttons. Quick Share Buttons – Use the quick Pinterest Pin, Twitter Tweet and Tumblr Follow to spread the word about the post images.

User Blog – Uses a users blog name to show there blog posts that contain images. Note: Does not include a tagged search feature. Can be used with any user public blog.