Zhen CRM

Last Update
23 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Documentation: http://zhen81.com/docs/zhen_crm.pdf

Do you need a Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) or inside sales software that is web-based and with the power of more popular CRMs (such as Salesforce, Highrise, SugarCRM, Dynamics CRM, vTiger, etc) but self-hosted on your own servers for security reasons and with full access to source code?

Zhen CRM is a self-hosted CRM with full source code (in CakePHP and MySQL) that aims to be visually easy to use, simple and straightforward, and provides all the features you need from a full-featured CRM!

Zhen CRM comes with:

Contacts: mark your contacts as leads, clients and opportunities

Deals: mark deals that are in process, accepted and/or rejected

Calendar: put events in your calendar

Sharing: Zhen CRM is web-based and allows multiple users to use the system from their browser with their own separate login accounts

Security/ACL: Only users who own a contact or deal or event can edit that specific entity, thus enforcing organization and ownership security/ACL.

Built on top of Twitter Bootstrap and CakePHP, Zhen CRM can be installed in any environment or server that runs PHP and MySQL.

With a basic knowledge of CakePHP, you can modify Zhen CRM for your own use, adding custom fields, custom features, etc.

Try Zhen CRM for your personal or business CRM needs, and you will not be disappointed!

Installation instructions: in the documentation PDF file.

Demo: please use admin / admin@123 to log in.

Change Log

V 1.3, Aug 8, 2013: Added export/import CSV, improved search/filter, improved internationalization.

V 1.2.1, Jun 30, 2013: Bug fix when adding new user.

V 1.2, May 22, 2013: Added filtering. Bug fix for image uploads.

V 1.1, May 2013: Heavy UX/UI updates.

V 1.0, Feb 2013: Initial release.