Last Update
1 March 2013
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Why use FAQs (Frequently Ask Question) for your website?

With the current speed of dramatic development of information and technology, all the e-commerce websites have become friendlier with users. And the number of users has been expanded greater day by day. So with a large number of users, solving all their questions on your products/your websites will take a lot of time and effort. In some cases, on one product, there can be many similar and repeated questions – you will have to send many emails or call each customer to answer their questions. When a customer visits your website, one of the common things they do is seeking answers for their questions. Some demanding customers can leave your site with dissatisfaction if they do not find the answers for their concerns.  Do not let this small thing make your potential customers leave you. From that point, you surely need a frequently asked question system for your customers to easily search important information before purchasing or ordering your products.

Why should you use our ZJ AJAX FAQs?

To help you solve the above problems and help you satisfy your customers, we develop a system of frequently asked questions AJAX FAQs. With this product, your customers can easily and quickly find answers for their questions, in the most comfortable way.  Especially, our product uses AJAX to display content of answers, so that it can satisfy the most demanding customers who don\’t have enough time to wait for your page to reload when viewing questions. ZJ AJAX FAQs content plugin: this is a plugin for content. It helps you to embed each category into your post easily without using redirection link for users to go to your FAQ page. When a customer cannot find the answers they want, they can submit a question to admin, and will receive back an answer quickly via email, right when their question is approved and answered. For admin, you don\’t have to send notification emails to your customers, our system is functioned to automatically do that for you. All the tasks can be solved in the fastest and most convenient way.

Top Features: - 100% MVC model – Mootools AJAX powerful: Our product uses AJAX in helping to display all contents very fast without having to reloading the page. – Multiple template system. – Email template system. – Customers can find the answers for their question very quickly and easily by our optimal search tool. – Customers can view all answers for one product without having to send email or call the company. – Customers can submit questions on the site if the answer is not available. With this system, solving all questions will be done promptly. When the question is answered, there will be an email sent to your customer. With only a click now they can hve the answer for their problem.  – Customers can vote for answers submitted by admin. – Customers can view how many times one answer is visited. – AJAX FAQs allows displaying questions and answers in front end. – Support multi languages. – The component is applicable for all types of websites. – Admin can set categories and questions which are most frequently asked. – Admin can also post questions on which categories users often concern about. – Allow to display/ not display certain questions/answers in front end. – Allow arranging or paging in front end. – Configuration: + General: Set the right for posting questions of customers: it can be set to allow everyone to post or just allow members, administrators. Set rating permission: public or members only. Limit the maximum characters for one question. Set number of questions displayed in one page, displaying paging or not. Set to display/not display captcha in submitting question form. Allow to change between public key and private key. + Email: set email templates sent to customers when submitting questions, to admin dealing with those questions and set email sent to customer when admin post answer for their question. + Message: set message’s content to display form of notification to customers when they successfully submit a question. Document User Guide Demo Website Demo