Create coupon codes that your users can use to download files through a web form and collect their email addresses on the way.
Manage the coupon codes and files in the administration panel which also allows you to export all the the collected email address with the coupon codes used in CSV format.
Create and manage coupon codes and files through the admin panel. Upload files through a web form or by any other means provided by your hosting like FTP. Make the coupons expire on specific dates or when a certain number of downloads is reached. Export all download email addresses and coupon codes in CSV format. Embed the download form in any web page. Requirements
Linux with Apache server and mod_rewrite (htaccess). PHP 5.3 or greater with MySQL PDO support. MySQL 5.1 or greater. Coupon runs on top of the Slim micro-framwrok.
1.2 Allow admin to see coupon downloads online clicking coupon name Allow the use of SMTP to send confirmation emails
1.1.2 fix bug when a file without exception was uploaded show error messages in the file upload form show error messages if can’t connect to the database during installation update Slim to 2.3.1
1.1.1 fix bug deleting coupons when they don’t have downloads
1.1 update documentation allow the system to send the download links by email fix minor css issues create a download url for each coupon + email pair use html5’s email field instead of text in coupons form