snailCMS - Content Management System

Last Update
17 March 2013
Regular License

snailCMS is a simple, light Content Management System that allows you to create and manage your website. You can easily create pages, subpages, articles, format and publish your content within minutes. Upload and manage easily files and images using the file browser.

Both front and back-end are build using twitter bootstrap for flexible and responsive designs.

Create your own front-end with basic knowledge of html and php.

DEMO Front end Demo

Back end Demo Username: admin Password: demo


Responsive (Bootstrap) Easy installation WYSIWYG Editor Image Uploader Gallery viewer SEO frienldy url (auto & manual) Create pages and posts Easily create custom pages Create Users

Documentation & Support

Documentation – Documentation is available in your download. Contact email for support is included in documentation file.

Changelog (18 March 2013)

Jquery pagination in articles .htaccess with mod rewrite rules for frieldier URLS