Social Panel for WordPress

Last Update
29 June 2013
Regular License

Social Panel for WordPress gives you access to billions of Social Media accounts with ease. In just one click your visitors can connect with you on all of the web’s most popular social sites. Gain tons of new Follows, Fans, Subscribers, and put your social traffic on over drive.


Super easy 3 click install takes seconds! Full mobile and Retina / High Resolution display support – looks good on any screen! Customizable – Comes with 16 awesome background textures provided by SubtlePatterns

Optional Tab follows the user up and down the page, can be fully customized! Change colors of the tab, hover color, page side, button position and more! Includes data and image caching to keep your site running fast and efficient! Includes locale options for all Social Services and API that provide them, the plugin also comes ready to translate with default .po and .mo files. Provide custom tittles for all panes. Drag and Drop to order buttons, choose which button is active on opening the panel. jQuery noConflict – WordPress Approved. Includes full install directions and usage documentation. Free updates and support!

Mobile & Retina Display Support

Looks great on Retina devices, also includes markup for high res, high DPI displays in other non-Apple devices! Runs in full mode on all screens large enough include all 7” and up tablets! Runs on pretty much any iOS / Android smartphone, the plugin will attempt to auto-fit the content to the device for a seamless user experience.

Includes 9 Different Tabs

Facebook – Includes fully customizable like button, like box, subscribe / follow button. Twitter – Includes fully customizable Tweet and Follow buttons, and full support for Twitters new ‘Widgets’ API v1.1 that allows you to display all kinds of Tweet streams via their new widget. Users can tweet and reply tweet you right from Social Panel! Google Plus – Includes Google+ Badge and Share / Plus One button. You can also include a custom Google+ page stream. Pinterest – Includes customized follow and pin it buttons with slick fade in Pin stream from any user. All can be 100% configured. YouTube – Includes YouTube subscription badge, and YouTube recent video stream. Vimeo – Includes Vimeo User Bade and Vimeo recent video stream. Dribbble – Includes Dribbble User Bade and recent dribbble shots from any user. Flickr – Show a Flickr photo stream with a description. WordPress Pane – Here you can enable a tab that acts a sidebar inside of Social Panel. You can configure it from the Appearance Settings just like any other sidebar!

Change Log

* Version 1.0.1 - ( 6/28/2013 ) - Fixed Twitter panel using new Twitter Widget API - Pinterest image domains have been updated on timthumb - CSS has been improved - JS streamlined for smaller size - Updated default locale pack

* Version 1.0 - ( 2/19/2013 ) - First Version Released.