Contact Form Pop-up

Last Update
8 April 2013
Regular License

Contact Form Pop-up is a Wordpress Plugin script designed to add an AJAX contact form to your wordpress website.

Updated! Version 1.5 out with new features. See below for the list. REMEMBER! If you like the product, please rate it 5 stars via the page you download it from. Thanks!

How does it work?

A small tab with ‘Contact Us’ (or whatever label you write) appears on every page in the bottom right (or left, your choice!) of the web visitors screen (View screenshot here). When clicked, a contact form will slide up and allow the visitor to contact you with ease (View screenshot here). It also includes links to your Facebook, Twitter and Google+ pages! The contact form is AJAX powered.

Features include:

Contact Form pops up/slides up when clicked Admin settings screen to configure options Can position bottom right or bottom left Server & client side form validation Message sent to your email Social networking links Configurable border color Configurable label text

New in 1.5:

Mailchimp subscription checkbox support Simple human math test to prevent spam

Feature missing? Let me know if you need another feature added and I’ll see what I can do about adding it!

Buyer’s comments:

“Thank you so much for this awesome WP-Plugin! It’s installed and working great.”        - HernanFJRD

“Another ace product!”        - webjump

“Great product with 5 star customer service.”        - shamrokk