Last Update
10 February 2013
Regular License

Tax Savings on Mortgage Calculator allow your website user to come and play with calculation what are they going to save in taxes by financing the loan over their mortgage with Bar Chart Representation of the Loan Cycle. They Will get the Response of Calculator via email.

With the interest on a mortgage being deductible when you itemize deductions, it may surprise you how much you can save in taxes. Use this calculator to determine your potential tax savings from mortgage interest deductions.

It will provide your user high end satisfactory Experience and Ask them to Go for the Mortgage Loans. If your website is related Financial, Real estate or Home Guidance Related. Our Website Tool will be highly beneficial. They will have to submit their Email ID. So you will Leads Stored Directly into your Database. File name from file author

Usage or Installation of the Mortgage Calculator Script – top

Open Database and Install the Database via phpmyadmin Open Config.php, Then add the Essential Parameters for Database Connection and Email and Webmaster Name for Email Funcutions. Regarding Including of Calculator Follow the following details.