Header Menu

Last Update
6 February 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Header Menu basically is a dropdown menu which comes with two styles – b/w and trasparent and dual header. It includes login form, drop downs which expands upto maximum width (8 columns). It works in all modern and old IE browsers but doesn’t support features like gradients, border radius etc in IE7-8. However you can use css3 pie for this. Screencast here Features at a glance:

Dual Header with login form 2 different styles – transparent and b/w Expand to max width Pure CSS3/HTML5 IE7+ compatible Unlimited Dropdown Search box CSS3 Transition Effect Documentation Included

Sources and Credits

Images by Stockvault.com

Maven Pro, Electrolize font by Google Webfonts

Social icons by Creative Nerds

Placeholder fallback for IE by Mathias Bynens